eduPLEmooc ,Moodle and IT

In this blog I´d like to emphasize the new tools and ideas shared with my colleagues at a Moodle course I did last year through the Integrating Technology course. Besides I ´d also like to show you my experience in this eduPLEmooc course

Sunday, May 1, 2011

What school/education should be like

I mostly agree with Danbrown and his universe. Apart from his very convincing way of talking, what makes me think as an educator is my contribution to this school system . It is true and everybody assumes the value of information is going down, teachers give piles of factual information without noticing that it is not the key factor to prepare students for real life. We are facing a revolution , a shadow revolution maybe but of great consequences , and if educational institutions refuse to adapt to the new information age it will be at the expense of our students and their future. The same as governments and businesses are giving steps for transparency , educational institutions should also give steps in that sense. Namely they should give opportunities to educators and provide them with tools to be open-minded and try to convince them that today´s society no longer cares about facts we can memorise ,but about creativity and new ideas.